Corporate litigation
Ons corporate litigation team is gespecialiseerd in het behandelen en oplossen van complexe geschillen binnen en rondom een onderneming, zoals geschillen tussen aandeelhouders, impasses in de besluitvorming, overnamegeschillen, conflicten met investeerders, uitstotingsprocedures en aansprakelijkheid van bestuurders, commissarissen en aandeelhouders. Ook procederen wij met regelmaat over geschillen op het gebied van financieringszekerheden en fraude.
Onze advocaten voeren procedures bij de Ondernemingskamer, zijn zeer vertrouwd met kort gedingen en beslagleggingen en hebben daarnaast veel ervaring met internationale geschillen en IPR (Internationaal privaatrecht).
"The team consists of a good mix of experienced partners and ambitious talents."
"The firm offers good value for money, and is highly experienced in our industry."
"The team gave me confidence in their approach from the first engagement."
- Client testimonials, Legal 500, 2022
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Acting for one of our clients as claimant in arbitration proceedings before a NAI Tribunal, in respect of various claims under a shareholders agreement, amongst others founded on change of control clauses and non-compete arrangements.
Successfully represented a wholesale international trade pharmaceutical products company as plaintiff in summary proceedings before the Appeal Court of Leeuwarden. The first instance decision was overruled by the Appeal Court on the basis that the executive bailiff had not acted within the boundaries of the interim judge’s leave and that the first instance interim judge had wrongly granted access to the seized information. Consequently, the Appeal Court ordered the defendants in appeal not to use any of its falsely gained information. The decision was published: ECLI:NL:GHARL:2019:293
Acted for one of the founders of a hotel group in a dispute with an investor on the enforcement of multi-million security rights in relation to the Benelux easyHotels in inquiry proceedings before the Enterprise Chamber.
Acted for the former directors of a natural resources conglomerate, headquartered in The Netherlands, as defence counsel in directors’ liability litigation.
Acted for BB Capital, a Dutch private equity firm, in its dispute with a trustee over the bankruptcy of De Combi Group. Proceedings before the Rotterdam court after submission of several procedural injunctions.
Acted as legal counsel for a Japanese listed company (net sales of approx. €1.9 billion) in order to avoid the requested reopening of the liquidation process of one of its Dutch subsidiaries.
Acted for one of the founding shareholders of a sport clothing brand in order to protect its minority stake.
Defended Baars Beheer, an offshore and industrial company, based in Sliedrecht, active in construction, lease and sale of container pontoons and Split Hopper barges. Dispute conducted before the Enterprise Chamber. All charges were refuted and the company’s counter petition to intervene in the supervisory board was accepted.
Acted for the litigation funding party of a collective action in the automotive industry.
Assisted a multi-billion African investment bank to recover outstanding bond and note claims in excess of €200m.